Whole grain bread contains an optimal combination of fibre, protein, carbohydrates and minerals, which makes it ideal for a balanced, varied diet.
Rich in protein
Proteins are your body’s building blocks. They not only provide energy, but also ensure growth and maintenance of your muscles and bones. Waldkorn® Protein is rich in this valuable resource, which makes up no less than 30% of its energetic value (calories).
Rich in fiber
Fibre not only improves your digestion, it also ensures that you feel satiated longer and that you snack less in between meals. Waldkorn® Protein is whole grain and 'rich in fibre' (> 6% fibre per 100g bread) and therefore fits in the 'Disk of 5' (Schijf van Vijf) and the 'Food Pyramid'.
Limited number of carbohydrates
Waldkorn® Protein contains a balanced amount of carbohydrates: less than a regular whole grain multigrain bread, but more than reduced-carb option.**** And that is a good thing, because carbohydrates are important fuel for your body.
* 30% of the energy value is provided by proteins.
** 6% per 100 g of bread
*** Less than a regular whole grain multigrain bread, more than reduced carb option. Compared with the Dutch Nutrient Database (NEVO 2784 and NEVO 3007).
**** Compared with the Dutch Nutrient Database (NEVO) 2784 and 3007